I’m participating in the Pay-it-Forward initiative.
The first 5 people who comment on this status with “I’m in” will receive a surprise from me at some point in this calendar year – anything from a sweet dessert, a lovely CD, a ticket, a book or just absolutely any surprise I see fit!
There will be no warning and it will happen when I find something that I believe would suit you and make you happy!
These 5 people must make the same offer in their status (FB or Path or Twitter, etc.) and distribute their own joy.
Simply copy this text onto your profile, (don’t share) so we can form a web of connection and kindness.
Let’s do more nice and loving things for each other in 2014, without any reason other than to make each other smile and show that we think of each other.
Here’s to a more enjoyable, more friendly and love-filled year!
Source of post from Mbak Pu.. May I speak : I'm IN... :)
ora mudeng, I'm IN ajalah hahahaha
BalasHapusHehe.. okey no.satu ya miss...
HapusMaksudnya 5 orang komen i'm in akan mendapat hadiah dari aku tapi belum tahu apa dan kapan,jadi kayak kejutan gitu, dan yang komen itu diharapkan bisa membuat postingan serupa serta menyebarkan 5 hadiah lagi untuk orang lain, kira-kira begitu kayaknya miss hehehe
Are u still wanna join this???hhi
Wooo kok kayak banyak yang post ini...
HapusMasih rung dong Mbak. Emang yang ngadain siapa?
Kayaknya sih pencetusnya mbak Dhira rahman, trus di i'm in mz Dani, trus mbak Pu, nah aku ikutan di mbak Pu hehehe. sepertinya terinspirasi sama film Pay it forward deh Un.. Cuman diganti nyebarin surprise :p
HapusDan ternyata mbak Dhira pun bukan pencetusnya Una... hehehe, ya intinya menyebarkan kebahagian kok Un :)
HapusWuah semakin banyak yang ikutan ya.. :)
BalasHapusIyaa.. tapi masih belum ketemu yang mau lagi nih hehehe
HapusNophi, kirim alamat lengkap ke Puteriamirillis@gmail.com ya.
BalasHapusOke mbak.. tunggu yaaa
HapusAsli gak ngerti... cuma dr komentar di atas agak bs raba2-lah...
BalasHapusIde-nya menarik nih... jd kyk MLM Postingan gitu ya? ^_^
iyes pak, MLM postingan dapat hadiah dan harus kasih hadiah juga hehehe
Hapusbarusan mbaca Im In di blognya Mbak Lidya, terus di sini..
BalasHapus#berasa lama gak BeWe [yg mmg lama drop BeWenya sih]